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The Church of St Martin & St Hilary




Sunday, 23rd February at 10am; Holy Communion at Kirlevington

Sunday 2nd March at 10am: Family Service at Kirklevington.

Ash Wednesday:

Wednesday 5th March at 9:30am: Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes at Kirklevington. 

Wednesday 5th March at 12noon: Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes at Worsall. 

Thursday 6th March at 8:30am: Morning Prayer and Lent Reflection at Kirklevington. 

Sunday 9th March at 10am: Holy Communion at Kirklevington. 

MORNING PRAYER  at 8.30a.m. followed by coffee and cake. ALL WELCOME

MONDAY CLUB Monday Gardening Club recommenced on Monday 3rd February.​​​

Messy Church  was held on Saturday, 1st February at 3.30p.m. in Kirklevington Village Hall and  was a well attended event.  The theme was CARE  FOR OTHERS  where the young people listened and discsussed the story of the Good Samaritan.  Lots of activities and to end the event everyone sat down to tea.  We even had a birthday cake as it was one of our youngster's birthday and everyone sang Happy Birthday.​​

Tickets are now on sale for the Parish Lent Lunch on Thursday 20th March 2025 at 12 noon in Kirklevington Village Hall.

We will be serving home-made soup, crusty bread, and cheese and tickets are £8. All proceeds from the Lunch will go to WATER AID, our chosen Charity.

Tickets are available on Sundays at Church, or from Kath Page: 01642 043785.

Raffle tickets will also be on sale for the Easter Hamper which will be drawn on Easter Sunday 20th April after the main service.

Palm cross

Please can palm crosses be brought in to Church in the next few weeks in order for ash to be created for the Ash Wednesday service.  There is a basket at the back of Church or alternatively they can be left in the porch of Rev Kate.
The Ecumenical service will be  held on Friday, 7th March at 2pm in Yarm Catholic Church.
2025 is a year when we have to prepare a new Electoral Roll.  New Application Forms will be available in March to be completed by all who wish to be on the Roll.  Further information will be available nearer the time.​​​​​​​​​​



Churchwarden: Vacancy 

Please contact; or telephone 01642 784918



We have been using easyfundraising to make our online purchases for the past 18 months and so far, we have raised £350 for church funds without it costing us anything. This is with just 8 active supporters. We could raise even more if we had more active supporters. 

There are over 8,000 reasons to sign up to easyfundraising, but the main one is that you can help St Martins Kirklevington & All Saints Worsall raise much needed funds for free. Turn your weekly food shops, birthday gifts, train tickets, holidays, and general online shopping at over 8,000 brands into free funding and support for us. Sign up to support us today, and we’ll get a bonus £7.50 donation for each person who signs up:

If you need help to register onto the site, please contact: Dave Haworth email djhaworth67 mobile 07528270185.


Food Banks:

With more people requiring support via the Foodbanks, we will be collecting food for them over the next few weeks. There is a box at the back of Kirklevington church for donations.


Yarm Church Café:

Following its opening by the Bishop of Whitby on the 2nd December the Cafe at Yarm Parish Church will be open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9.30am-12.30pm. Ethically sourced tea and coffee will be on sale plus freshly baked scones and home baked cakes, including the Rector’s Date & Walnut Cake, Brownies and Vegan Chocolate Cake. There will be free wifi available and dogs and children will also be very welcome. Do please spread the word!

Dates for diary:​

Contact Details:

PCC members:

After the recent APCM here is the list of members of the current PCC

Revd Darren Moore (Rector)

Revd Kate Brown (Assistant Curate)


Churchwarden: Vacancy

​Please contact either Revd Darren Moore on 01642 781349 or Revd Kate Brown.

Treasurer: David Haworth


Secretary: Margaret Wright to take minutes.


Elected members:

Colin Brown (2022-25)

Gill Batchelor (2023-26)

Owen Evans (2024-27)

Mike Gallagher (2023-26)

Elsi Hampton –Safeguarding Officer (2024-27)

Tony Hampton (2022 -25)

Karen Kilburn (2024-27)

Richard Ward (2023-26)

Helen Wilson (2024-27

Mike Wood (2022-25)


Deanery Synod Reps:

Astrid Wood (2023-26)

David Haworth (2023-26)

Click links below to download Safeguarding policy

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